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    Bacopa Monnieri

    Bacopa Monnieri 300mg, 50% Bacosides (60 capsules, 60 servings)

    Bacopa Monnieri is a fat soluble nootropic herb also known as water hyssop. It belongs to the Ayurveda herbs, a branch of medicine in India. The active ingredient, Bacoside, in Bcaopa Monnieri stimulate that nerve cells and make more responsive nerve impulses of synapses. Bacopa Monnieri improves by enhancing the growing and …

  • Bottles

    CDP Choline

    CDP Choline 250 mg (30 capsules, 30 servings)

    CDP Choline aslo known as citicholine is a water soluble cholinergic nootropic. It has a potential to enhance memory and protect against memory loss. As CDP Choline splits into choline which increase the choline in the brain and cytidine which is converted to uridine that is crucial to neural membrane synthesis and is …

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    Noopept (30mg/10mg)

    Noopept 10mg/30mg (30 capsules, 30 servings)

    Noopept is a brand name for N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester. Noopept has similar effects to Piracetam enhancing cognition, neuroprotection and anti-aging properties. The difference between the two is that Noopept is approximately 1000 times potent than Piracetam which makes it rapidly absorbed. As it is rapidly absorbed in the digestive system and crosses the …
